Water/Wastewater Broad Run Water Reclamation Facility 16.5 MGD Design Flow Expansion > Projects > Broad Run Water Reclamation Facility 16.5 MGD Design Flow Expansion KEY CHALLENGES & PROJECT DETAILS Installing three new dry pit submersible pumps with variable frequency drives, hydraulically actuated knife gate valves at the influent sewage pumping station, and new electrically actuated gates for the influent channel grinder structure and wet well isolation gates. Installing a new third raw influent force main to connect the influent sewage pumping station to the coarse screen and grit building, to a new 10-million-gallon equalization tank and to the Russell Branch Interceptor. Installing two new higher capacity pumps for transferring screened septage to the coarse screen influent channel through a new force main. Expanding the coarse screen and grit building, including new process trains, extended truck bay, and adding a primary influent splitter structure. Constructing two primary clarifiers and expanding the odor control system, including mechanical equipment, electrical, HVAC, and I&C in order to operate one primary clarifier. Adding a new primary effluent overflow structure that will tie-in to the existing screened primary effluent overflow piping. Constructing one new 10-million-gallon prestressed concrete equalization tank, equalization valve structure, and piping. Modifying/improving the biological reactor basins and support systems. Adding a third bank of UV lamps to the existing three UV disinfection reactors and replacing the mechanical cleaning mechanisms and lamp sleeves for the existing UV banks (Nos.1 and 2) in each reactor. Expanding the odor control facilities to accommodate treatment of odor emissions from new and expanded facilities, including one additional pre-humidifying scrubber, and one additional biofilter cell. Improving the sludge thickening process, including installing one new thickening centrifuge, storage hopper and transfer pump. Improving the HVAC systems to improve equipment efficiency and to balance the HVAC systems for the liquids and solids process buildings. KEY CHALLENGES Maintenance of utility operations during construction. Shutdowns, tie-ins, and start-up/commissioning while keeping the facility at full operation and capacity. Limitations of concurrent work areas (six total) Access and restrictions for mechanical equipment installation Protection of existing facilities for new installation and expansion PROJECT DETAILS: Project Owner: Loudoun Water Location: Ashburn, VA Close
KEY CHALLENGES & PROJECT DETAILS Installing three new dry pit submersible pumps with variable frequency drives, hydraulically actuated knife gate valves at the influent sewage pumping station, and new electrically actuated gates for the influent channel grinder structure and wet well isolation gates. Installing a new third raw influent force main to connect the influent sewage pumping station to the coarse screen and grit building, to a new 10-million-gallon equalization tank and to the Russell Branch Interceptor. Installing two new higher capacity pumps for transferring screened septage to the coarse screen influent channel through a new force main. Expanding the coarse screen and grit building, including new process trains, extended truck bay, and adding a primary influent splitter structure. Constructing two primary clarifiers and expanding the odor control system, including mechanical equipment, electrical, HVAC, and I&C in order to operate one primary clarifier. Adding a new primary effluent overflow structure that will tie-in to the existing screened primary effluent overflow piping. Constructing one new 10-million-gallon prestressed concrete equalization tank, equalization valve structure, and piping. Modifying/improving the biological reactor basins and support systems. Adding a third bank of UV lamps to the existing three UV disinfection reactors and replacing the mechanical cleaning mechanisms and lamp sleeves for the existing UV banks (Nos.1 and 2) in each reactor. Expanding the odor control facilities to accommodate treatment of odor emissions from new and expanded facilities, including one additional pre-humidifying scrubber, and one additional biofilter cell. Improving the sludge thickening process, including installing one new thickening centrifuge, storage hopper and transfer pump. Improving the HVAC systems to improve equipment efficiency and to balance the HVAC systems for the liquids and solids process buildings. KEY CHALLENGES Maintenance of utility operations during construction. Shutdowns, tie-ins, and start-up/commissioning while keeping the facility at full operation and capacity. Limitations of concurrent work areas (six total) Access and restrictions for mechanical equipment installation Protection of existing facilities for new installation and expansion PROJECT DETAILS: Project Owner: Loudoun Water Location: Ashburn, VA Close