WASTEWATER Greenfield Construction > Our Expertise > Water Treatment > Wastewater > Greenfield Construction New facilities have advantages over expansions for the simplicity of construction without maintaining operations. Now, you have to start-up the entire system. Project managers and superintendents with decades of experience in wastewater construction are your partners in commissioning, working with you and your design engineers to make your vision a reality. New Construction Projects ELIMINATING SEWER OVERFLOWS PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT Guaranteed Savings Contract Delivery in Fort Wayne Fast-Track Project Wins the 2018 Build Ohio Award
New facilities have advantages over expansions for the simplicity of construction without maintaining operations. Now, you have to start-up the entire system. Project managers and superintendents with decades of experience in wastewater construction are your partners in commissioning, working with you and your design engineers to make your vision a reality. New Construction Projects ELIMINATING SEWER OVERFLOWS PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT Guaranteed Savings Contract Delivery in Fort Wayne Fast-Track Project Wins the 2018 Build Ohio Award